Sunday 8 March 2009

International Women's Day!

At the end of November last year there was a wonderful performance of an anthem commissioned by the Victorian Women's Trust and written by the fabulous Kavisha Mazzella. It was to celebrate 100 years of women's suffrage - when we got to vote in Victoria. There were over 400 women from all around Victoria who gathered at the BMW Edge Theatre at Federation Square to sing this very moving anthem. And I was one of them! We had only had 5 rehearsals - only one of them as the complete choir. After we sang we got a standing ovation and so we sang again. And that audience filed out and we had a 'second sitting' and got another standing ovation. As the anthem is over 6 minutes long we sang for almost half an hour! We cried, the audiences cried - even the blokes.The Victorian Women's Trust has produced a CD ($10 including postage) with us singing, and the gifting of the song to the women (people) of the world, and a video or the performance. You can find it all here. And there is a vid of our performance on Youtube hereI will add some photos when I get home - but we are up at Mitta Mitta at my brother's and sister in law's wonderful Witches Garden (see the link in the entry below - it is a magical place). Today is the Might Mitta Muster and we are about to go down and look at working steam engines, old cars, art exhibition, wood chop, Jack Russel races, and eat junk food and drink beer.Who could ask for anything more?Well yes it DOES get better - tonight is the Wombat Gully Music Festival (by invitation only). We have to come up with a performance for the talent show between now and then. I imagine we will get more clever as the beer levels rise in us...XXXX

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