Friday 8 May 2009

I AM A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!


This wonderful one that Miss Krissie had on her blog as a give-away. I am so happy, what a wonderful thing to wake up to on a grey Friday!
Thank you Kris, you are a gem!
And whilst you are looking at her blog - DO check out her Flickr photos on the side bar. Gorgeous jewellery.

I am so excited, I want to run around in circles and sing!


Liz said...

Congratulations Jas, what a lovely prize for you, winning and rain outside, how good is that?

Lindi said...

Ypu are the perfect one to win that ring! Congratulations!
Enjoy the excitement.

AnnieO said...

Congrats, Jas, I'm sure you'll talk up her site and get her a lot of visitors. She's well lucky that you won!